Thursday, November 13, 2008

Brazilian Bikini model and the love of photography

As Tita Alice and I were heading home from the 2nd mile campus (last blog) we started talking and I told her that I was interested in Photography. There had been a film crew at 2nd mile and I have followed them around and it was cool to see everything behind the scenes that went into the shoot. While Tita Alice and I where talking she said that since she used to work at Avon she could see if I could go to a product shoot sometime. Her contacts at Avon said that they had a shoot the next day and said it would be cool if we stopped by and checked it out.

So we headed over mid morning to the studio, Tita Alice knew everybody there since she used to work with them for like 20 years so she introduced me to the photographer and he showed me his website and a bunch of pictures he had taken. He is one of the best Photographers in the Philippines so he had some amazing shots. He did a lot of food shots but also work a lot with Avon and many other big company’s. It turns out that they where shooting a bunch of products like an umbrella and hand bag and stuff like that. But to shoot this they used a model from Brazil and since the setting was on a beach, she was in a Bikini! It was pretty funny, Tita Alice leaned over towards me and said that if she knew it was going to have a bikini model she wouldn’t have taken me.

But it was fun, it was really not dodgy in anyway and it was really cool to see everything that goes on behind a shoot. All the lighting and set up is crazy, the camera that he had was amazing and as soon as he took a picture it showed up on a computer screen in the corner. Really cool set up, and was a cool experience. It also mad me think about how much I like to take pictures and I have started thinking about maybe pursuing this when I get back home. Maybe take some classes and see where that leads. I for sure want to get a good DSLR when I get home and if nothing else just do it for fun on the side. It was a good day.

Then for a funny story, this evening the whole family is in the living room watching TV and I am on the computer checking email. I had asked jess for a CD so I could burn a program and she ended up dropping a piece of plastic on the floor. I am sitting cross legged on the swivel chair and as I leaned forward to pick it up for her, I find my self falling and sitting on the floor!! I had totally broke one of the legs of the chair!! Straight up snapped it off, right in front of the whole family!! It was pretty funny, they just kept asking if I was ok and I said that I was just embarrassed that I had just broke there chair!!! They said it was ok and they had had the chair for a while so it was about time for it to break. I think it was just built for Filipino’s not big white guys!

Anyway, that is it for now, still loving it and having an amazing time. So many good experiences.

I am, as I am typing downloading a program that should help me get my files back from my computer. So I hope that works and then I should get a copy of vista on Saturday, so hopefully it will be back up and running sometime soon. I still might lose some if not all of what I had on my computer but what can you do. Anyway, I should head to bed, be blessed and keep in the word.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are one crazy boy! Can't wait to share some of these adventures with you in Nam!