Monday, August 20, 2012

Yes, it has been awhile

Hello again.
Yes, it has been awhile once again.
    In my last blog I stated that I would be writing on here more, I lied. I have not been doing that but know that I truly do want to start more. And I do think that I will in the coming months.

As I start to write this I have a few thing on my mind. Foremost is the fact that I should probably be sleeping right now, but this has never been a thought that I have entertained for long :-) I also am thinking about the smell around me right now. It is a smoky smell, with a hint of vanilla and peach. As some of you know when I need to think or clear my mind I bring out my tobacco pipe and site on my deck and think. Sometimes for hours sometime for not long at all. Sometimes my thought wonder to myself and sometimes to others but mostly they tend to end on my relationships.
   My relationship with God, my relationship with my wife, and my relationships with my friends.
These are all things that have been heavy on my heart lately.

   First off, my relationship with God. Ever since I have married my bride (just over a year ago!) I have been pushed in this relationship in ways that I have not before. It truly is a interesting thing to life life so closely with another person. To not only effect them with how my relationship wtih God is going but also be effected by theirs. My main focus over the past few months have been attempting to understand the statement in Ephesions when commands the husband to love his wife as Christ has loved the church. Which is then closely followed by the statement, "this is a profound mystery"!! The more I have looked into it the more I completely agree with that statement. :-)
  My relationship with Hannah is a mystery to me. Alot of the time I feel like I have no idea where or what I am doing. How to lead, how to protect, how to love, how to honor. This has been some of the hardest questions I have ever had to deal with. But I welcome the challenge and truly do feel blessed for the last year. I have had some of the hardest times in my life but also some of the best times. I have cried more this last year both out of pain and also out of joy. God is good, He has been there when I have walked away, he has been there when I have not been in the word. HE has been there when I am tempted to not treat my bride as I should. My reliance on my great Lord has been pushed this year more them any other year or time in my life.

So a few weeks ago Hannah and I celebrated our 1st year anniversary. This was a really good time of reflection and looking back at were hannah and I have come in the last year. It was also a time of looking back at friends I have had and have gained. Moving up to Canada was not easy. I changed, towns, I changed jobs, I changed friends, I even changed countries.  Admittedly this has not been easy and at times been pretty hard. But as I was looking back over the year I can truly say that even though my entire "normal" has been different for the last year. I am fully and truly blessed by the people I have around me here, and the family and friends that still remain in WA. Not to mention the people all around the world.

Random thoughts from me. Things I have been thinking about, things I have been working through.
Thanks for reading if you do and I will honestly try and do this more.

Christ in ALL.