Friday, March 23, 2012

Long time, no blog.

So, to whoever is actually out there reading this, Hello again. I don't know who you are and really why you would be checking a blog that has not been updated since December 08. But I welcome you and thank you for reading.

Alot has changed since my last blog. The biggest thing is that I have gotten married and moved to a completely different country. No, not New Zealand, no not the Philippines. I have moved to the big country of Canada. And although alot has changed, something have stayed the same. I still work construction and am loving it. I am not working construction for my dad for the first time in my life, and truly do miss it. The work itself has not changed much but the relationship and talks during work have changed dramatically. And as the saying goes, the more I work here the more I realize how much I took working with an amazingly wise and Godly man for granted. So for the years of work behind and the possibility of work in the future, Thank you dad.

So we will see how often I actually update this thing. I feel like I need some kind of outlet so maybe this will be it.

So I have moved to Kamloops, BC, Canada. It is a good size town, not to big but also gives me a bit of a look at living in more of a city. Pretty much everything has been new for me in the last 6 months. I have gone through alot of learning, some good and some harder. Over all, God has been a rock, he does not change no matter what country you are in and that has been very true the last few months. One of the highlights of the time has been learning how to love, support my wife. She really is amazing and the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Living life together in such a close, day in day out, through the hard times and the good has been the hardest and most rewarding things I have ever done. God continues to humble and take care of me through it all.

To change directions now a bit.
Leadership has been somthing that I have been working through as of late. The meaning of it, how it is done and what that looks like in a practical way. I have been challenged daily as I learn to be the head of my family, and lead in a Godly and biblical way. This comes to task when a disicion has to be made. I think that this can be small things, even to the point of what we do with our evenings, what shows we watch on tv, what books I read and how I treat Hannah. It also is present in the big deals, as far as what bills to pay when, what car to buy, who we align our life with, what community of believers we work with and what ministries we put our time and energy into.
I have made mistakes and have done well, it is a learning curve that I am in the middle of. With everything in my life being new, it is just another thing that I have yet to become proficient in. But I am coming to the conclusion that this issue is a bit more important then other things. Like in other areas, I have a choice of how to respond. Since moving, I have had to make the choice to pay more for dairy, either I pay more, or I don't get it. I have the choice to pay a ridicules amount of money to ICBC to insure my cars, if I pay, I can drive, if I don't pay, I walk. both of these I could live with the other option, I would not like it, but it could be done.
With Leadership, I also have a choice, I could put in the time, and learn how to do it well, or I could not. But unlike the other two examples, I don't know if I could live with out paying the extra, without doing what needs to be done. Without being a man, which is what this all comes down to. When I stood before a few hundred of my closest friends and made a vow before them and before God to value Hannah above myself, that was my choice, my final answer. I don't have the option now to not follow through, there is way to much at stake. My leadership directly effects Hannah and my relationship with eachother, and also our relationship with our God.
And again, I have done this well at times, and at others times there is room for improvement. And I am working on that, I have been reading books on the matter, I have been listening online to respected and Godly men as they share there thoughts on the subject. It is again a time of learning for me in this area, and also a time of joy. When I step into the leadership role that I am made for, that I am ment to be in and have to be in, then I come a little closer to understanding Gods love for His church. And in that there is try joy, that is what we are meant for and how we are supposed to live. In the Joy and hope of our Saivour King.

Until next time.
Christ in ALL .